The Color of Going Green: New AIGA Membership Cards

New AIGA Membershp Cards

I just got my my new AIGA membership card in the mail the other day and was excited to see the one pictured above. AIGA decided to stop sending out new cards every year and will instead issue new expiration date stickers upon renewal. This will considerably cut down on the amount of plastic they produce and is a strong commitment to sustainable design.

Aside from the fact that the cards are reducing waste, they are designed very well. The one I received is a nice magenta, but I believe that they also come in cyan and yellow. A nice tribute to CMYK and the history of the association. I’m sure they decided that it was about time designers had membership cards that were actually designed well. Thanks AIGA!

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****UPDATE 9/11/2010****

Time for my annual membership renewal and sure enough… a nice little striped sticker for my AIGA membership card with the new expiration date arrived in the mail. Thanks, AIGA!