Freemium: How MailChimp Does Free

MailChimp Forever Free Plan

For anyone who hasn’t heard of MailChimp, they provide the hands-down best email marketing tool out there.  And for anyone who has heard of MailChimp, you’re gonna love this.

The new MailChimp Forever Free Plan offers freemium services up to 500 subscribers and 3,000 emails per month. For any small to mid-size business using email to reach their audience not to sign up now would be a total shame. I’m not going to go into a full review of MailChimp, but I will tell you that it has definitely changed the way I approach email marketing.  It’s allowed me to introduce email to clients who may never have thought it possible before. Don’t be fooled by the fun-loving chimps over there, their easy-to-use-but-oh-so-robust tool is awesome.  And their customer service is next to none.

Check ’em out!